Tedx – Future of Education

In March of 2017 Founder of TechyKids, Sharon Marzouk gave a Tedx talk on “The Future of Education”.   She was invited to talk by one of her former students, Nicolas Tan.  Nicolas was a student of Ms. Marzouk’s at Woodland school, then attended TechyKids camp during that summer.  A few years later Nicolas interned for TechyKids Summer Camp.  Then, later as he was President of his Tedx Club at Woodside Priory, invited her to give a talk.  Nicolas is now in college, studying engineering.

Tedx Talk Description

Join Sharon Marzouk along for her journey, off the beaten path of blending her career with her passion. She then founded TechyKids to help learners of all ages do the same. She has created a scalable online platform that blends technology, robotics, collaboration, and design thinking to positively influence education in an forward thinking, approachable and scalable manner that is project and purpose based.

Sharon Marzouk is the Founder of Techykids.com, a website that provides learners and teachers resources, robotics kids and online curriculum and courseware. Sharon is an avid technology and robotics educator in Silicon Valley, with years of experience teaching kids of all ages.

Sharon was the Technology Teacher for Woodland School for four years and developed the Technology program for Kindergarten through 8th grade. With a passion for design thinking. She has led many robotics programs for kids, from Wizbots to being a mentor at Hack the Future. An active yearly exhibitor and presenter at Bay Area Maker Faire and the Robot Block Party. She partnered with Willow Garage to develop and lead the PR2 program at The Tech, an exhibit to teach kids how to program the $400K research robot. She plans to continue growing TechyKids.com to encourage robotics education and provide resources, products and educational material to kids and parents.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx